Breakups can be
very painful. It’s normal to have feelings ranging from sadness to
deep depression depending upon how emotionally attached you were to
the relationship. When you are in a relationship, you make yourself
very vulnerable, so a breakup can leave you feeling deeply hurt and
The end of a
relationship often comes as a big shock, and there will be moments of
suffering and grief. It is important to remember that a break-up
involves psychological and emotional pain, so it is YOUR MIND you
need to work on the most. Only through acceptance, a lot of inner
work and, ultimately, forgiveness, can you turn your pain into peace.
LIFE AFTER BREAK-UP – Top Tips For Moving On
1: Accept that it’s over forever – You won't be able to get
rid of the pain unless you face it head on. Accept fully and
completely that the relationship is over for good and that there is
no looking back. If there is even the slightest denial in your mind
or heart, your chances of getting over the breakup are few. By
refusing to accept that things are over, you are only going to suffer
for longer.
Tip 2: Let the tears flow – It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, sadness leads to tears for all of us. Crying is a very natural thing for us human beings to do. It is also very healing, as it allows your body to release pain and negative energy. You will notice a feeling of lightness after you've allowed yourself to cry. Let go of the need to control your emotions, and have a good cry – you'll feel much better soon!
Tip 3: Get in touch with your grief. One reason why you suffer after a breakup is because of the painful emotions felt in your body. Thoughts become emotions and they are felt in the form of physical sensations like a knot in your stomach or tightening of the chest. Focus your attention on these physical sensations and keep it there until they go away. Deep breathing while you do this will make it even more effective!
Tip 4: Forgive. There is so much power in true forgiveness. It can heal the deepest of wounds. Hate, resentment, anger and spitefulness are the normal emotions to feel after a breakup. But ask yourself if you are really willing to pollute your life with these negative feelings. The only way to ever get completely rid of these unpleasant feelings is to forgive your ex partner AND yourself for everything that happened.
Tip 5: See the bigger picture. You may get angry reading this now, but the saying “everything always happens for the good” is 100% true. That’s why life makes so much more sense when you look at it backwards! As painful as it might have been, you were meant to have this experience to learn from and to help you grow as a human being. Don’t hate anyone for helping you have this experience.
Tip 6: Open yourself to a new relationship – Life is either one beautiful adventure or nothing at all. Live life in this spirit and open yourself to all the experiences it offers. Don’t close your heart to future relationships, but allow yourself to be more loving and open. But remember to apply all the wisdom you have gained from your experience. Love and respect yourself enough to steer away from people and relationships where you don't feel safe, loved and supported.
Tip 2: Let the tears flow – It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, sadness leads to tears for all of us. Crying is a very natural thing for us human beings to do. It is also very healing, as it allows your body to release pain and negative energy. You will notice a feeling of lightness after you've allowed yourself to cry. Let go of the need to control your emotions, and have a good cry – you'll feel much better soon!
Tip 3: Get in touch with your grief. One reason why you suffer after a breakup is because of the painful emotions felt in your body. Thoughts become emotions and they are felt in the form of physical sensations like a knot in your stomach or tightening of the chest. Focus your attention on these physical sensations and keep it there until they go away. Deep breathing while you do this will make it even more effective!
Tip 4: Forgive. There is so much power in true forgiveness. It can heal the deepest of wounds. Hate, resentment, anger and spitefulness are the normal emotions to feel after a breakup. But ask yourself if you are really willing to pollute your life with these negative feelings. The only way to ever get completely rid of these unpleasant feelings is to forgive your ex partner AND yourself for everything that happened.
Tip 5: See the bigger picture. You may get angry reading this now, but the saying “everything always happens for the good” is 100% true. That’s why life makes so much more sense when you look at it backwards! As painful as it might have been, you were meant to have this experience to learn from and to help you grow as a human being. Don’t hate anyone for helping you have this experience.
Tip 6: Open yourself to a new relationship – Life is either one beautiful adventure or nothing at all. Live life in this spirit and open yourself to all the experiences it offers. Don’t close your heart to future relationships, but allow yourself to be more loving and open. But remember to apply all the wisdom you have gained from your experience. Love and respect yourself enough to steer away from people and relationships where you don't feel safe, loved and supported.
over a painful breakup will take time and there will be moments where
you might feel very sad, alone and unsupported. In order to turn your
pain into peace, you need to practice acceptance, self-inquiry and
is always painful. But living through this experience will add a
depth to your heart and you will come out a better and wiser person,
with more compassion for others and more understanding for future
the initial burst of emotions, there will come a sense of calm. This
is the time to think very honestly and clearly about yourself, your
ex and your relationship. Doing this will help you recognise some
important things, and help ensure that you don’t go through the
same suffering again.
yourself these two questions, and WRITE DOWN THE ANSWERS ON PAPER. It
is important that you actually write your answers down!
- Can I be really sure that this break-up is a bad thing for me?
- Can I think
of at least 5 good reasons why this breakup is a good thing?
You will be
amazed at sense of relief and peace you will feel if you work through
the above questions with an open heart. Be sure to write out 5
reasons even if you find it difficult to come up with even one at
first. Self inquiry is the best way to get over a breakup, because it
eats through all our misplaced thoughts that cause suffering.
Immediately after a breakup, we can
feel very alone and vulnerable. Now is the time to reach out to close
friends and family, and ask for their support. Don't be shy to do
this, people who really care about you will gladly help and support
you with their time, advice and company.
After a break-up, you want to pamper
yourself a bit. Take a long walk in a park, watch a sunrise, go see a
good movie, or spoil yourself with a new book, some great music, a
big chocolate or some delicious, home-made comfort food. Now is not
the time to beat yourself up, but to give yourself some extra love!
Is there a hobby or activity that
you've always wanted to try, but never had the time for while you
were in a relationship? Now is the time to do it! It will inspire and
energise you, and take your mind off your troubles. Whether it's
painting, singing, gardening, social or charity work – a new
interest will boost your self-confidence and add instant meaning and
joy to your life!
Remember that getting over a break-up
will take some time. And time is your friend. Allow yourself the time
to work through the different stages of break-up emotions (shock,
grief, mourning, acceptance and forgiveness). Know that even though
it's a bit of a cliché, time truly is the greatest healer of them