Written In Stars

Come play among the stars and see what the heavenly hosts have in store for you...

What is Astrology?

Astrology is a very ancient discipline which explores the meaning and application of the influences of the planets, stars and other celestial bodies in our lives. 

It helps us in exploring ourselves, our relationships and our place within the world, and can be seen as a map to human destiny. Astrology can give us insight into all manner of situations, from the personal to the political and from the most intimate to the most mundane.

Because astrologers generally take a holistic view of the world, we can see that there is an energetic and spiritual connection between all things, even the planets, stars and us. 

But apart from all that, astrology is fun, it is infused with ancient wisdom and a dynamic reminder of the interconnectedness of all and our place in the greater scheme of things.

Aries  21st March - 21st April
Positive Characteristics: Energetic, dynamic, enthusiastic, active, self-willed, creative, strong will-power, courageous, brave, strong sense of identity, initiating, assertive, adventurous.

Negative Characteristics: Rash, impatient, egocentric, over-powering, domineering, pushy, foolhardy, undisciplined, short-tempered, choleric, tactless, naive, aggressive, arrogant, impulsive.

Taurus  22nd April - 21st May

Positive Characteristics: Easy-going, friendly, patience of nature, value conscious, sensual, pleasure orientated, ability to generate material wealth, stable, realistic, practical, reliable, enduring.

Negative Characteristics: Pragmatic, unadventurous, insecure, possessive, conventional, materialistic, inert, reluctant to change, sceptical, stubborn, slow, idle, calculating, obstinate, inflexible.

Gemini  22nd May - 20th June

Positive Characteristics:
Mentally agile, intellectual, rational, scientific, academic, interested in all and everything, flexible, adaptable, eager to absorb knowledge, witty, funny, light-hearted, playful, don't take themselves or life too seriously.

Negative Characteristics:
Absent minded, superficial, chatterbox, gossip, mentally unstable, uncommitted, gets easily bored, too much width with too little depth - spreading themselves too thinly, incoherent, unconcentrated.

Cancer  21st June - 23rd July

Positive Characteristics:
Sensitive, caring, nurturing, awareness of needs of others, feeling orientated, loving homely, supportive, creative, in touch with subtle energies, charitable, productive.
Negative Characteristics: Over-concerned, emotionally insecure, clingy, dreamy, lazy, jealous, smothering, manipulative, undaring, dependant, possessive, moody, touchy, indirect, fussy, oversensitive.

Leo   24th July - 23rd August

Positive Characteristics:
Warm, generous, creative, supportive, fatherly, self-confident, idealistic, romantic, honourable, optimistic, source of creative energy, inspiring to others, loyal.

Negative Characteristics: Bossy, authoritative, arrogant, self-centred, stubborn, self-righteous, fixed attitudes, wants to be admired, exhibitionist, indulgent and hedonistic, extravagant, insensitive, proud.  

Virgo   24th August - 23rd September

Positive Characteristics:
Conscientious, perfectionist, precise, thorough, analytical, discriminative, critical, cautious, strategic, foresight, independent, sharp mind, realistic, sensible, health-conscious, body-mind connection.

Negative Characteristics: Fussy, over-critical, pessimistic, overwhelmed by detail, cynical, hard hearted, pedantic, ruled by own routines, intolerant of others imperfections, self-inhibited, uptight.  

Libra   24th September - 23rd October

Positive Characteristics:
Fair, uniting, harmonising, idealistic, romantic, perfectionist, graceful, diplomatic, reasonable, cooperative, compromising, gentle, communicative, intellectual, strategist, thinks things through.

Negative Characteristics: Emotionally dishonest, judgmental, pursuing unrealistic ideals (the good, the true and the beautiful), indecisive - makes decisions dependant on others, dazzled by appearance.

Scorpio   24th October - 23rd November

Positive Characteristics:
Determined, self-sufficient, penetrating, self-disciplined, sensitive to undercurrents, all or nothing - mentality, self-controlled, ambitious (motivated by emotions), persistence, insight, commitment with heart and soul, seeker of truth, introspective.

Negative Characteristics: Extreme, jealous, possessive, domineering, stubborn, intolerant of weakness, manipulative, secretive, cynical, broody, pessimistic, ruthless, self-destructive, defensive, takes things too seriously, arrogant, fierce, proud, neurotic, suspicious.  

Sagittarius   24th November - 20th December

Positive Characteristics:
Optimistic, enthusiastic, visionary, intuitive, adventurous, mystical, independent, lucky, easily excited, freedom loving, inspiring, jovial.

Negative Characteristics: Reliable, insensitive, blunt, explosive temper, doesn't keep promises, gets easily bored, uncommitted, melodramatic, self-righteous, prejudiced, exaggerates, opportunist.

Capricorn   21st December - 20th January
Positive Characteristics: Reliable, hard-working, initiating, persistent, self-disciplined, conscientious, realistic, calculating, dutiful, responsible, cautious, ambitious, spirit of mastery, determined.

Negative Characteristics: Shrewd, too serious, emotionally inhibited, untrusting and suspicious, pragmatic, ruthless, fanatic, pessimistic, materialistic, craving for worldly status and power, intolerant.

Aquarius   21st January - 18th February

Positive Characteristics: Idealistic, optimistic, believes in the best potential of humanity, selfless, scientific mind, seeks new approaches and solutions to problems, determined against all odds, curious, individualistic, hopeful.

Negative Characteristics: Opinionated, stubborn, believes in unrealistic ideals, ignores the negative, hypocrite, ideals remain in the realm of ideas, lives life by principles, preaching others how to live their lives.  

Pisces   19th February - 20th March

Positive Characteristics: Sensitive, humble, gentle, selfless, inherent spiritual understanding, mystic, sympathetic with those who suffer, wisdom of the heart, imaginative, changeful - chameleon of the zodiac, emotional, creative.

Negative Characteristics: Pessimistic, oversensitive, victim consciousness, unrealistic and dreamy, escapist, wishy-washy, unorganised, passive, inert, indulgent, indiscriminative, doesn't know own limits, undisciplined, easily overwhelmed by other peoples feelings.  

The Four Elements

Fire, Earth, Water and Air are the four elements. Three zodiac signs are associated with each element, giving rise to the term triplicities. 

The three Fire signs are: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
The Earth signs are: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
The Water signs are: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

The Three Qualities

The three qualities are Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Four signs share a quality

Cardinal signs are Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn
Fixed signs are Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius
Mutable signs are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces 

Qualities of the cardinal modality are:
Skillful - beginning, initiating, originating, enterprising, direct and active; Unskillful – impatient, dissatisfied, does not finish what it starts, forceful

Qualities of the fixed modality include:
Skillful - stabilizing, focused, resolving, constant, determined; Unskillful - stubborn, rigid, obsessed, stuck

Qualities of the mutable modality include:
Skillful - adaptable, flexible, adjustable, changing, versatile; Unskillful - scattered, unfocused, inconsistent, indecisive and unfinishing.

The Polarities

The twelve signs are alternately positive and negative, beginning with the first sign, aries, which is positive. These are known as the polarities.

 The Patterns

The pattern of elements and qualities in the astrological signs is constant.
Every third sign has the same element. Every fourth sign has the same quality. So, each of the twelve signs represents a different combination of element and quality. 
Signs associated with the same elements are in trine with each other (one hundred and twenty-degree angles between them) which is seen as being in harmony with each other. 
Signs of the same quality are "squared" meaning there is a ninety-degree angle between them.
This traditionally has been termed "out of sympathy" with each other.