Just Be

Practical tips and guidance on integrating all the different parts of you - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - in order to be the best and happiest you can possibly be!

Have you ever thought about what it is that makes you YOU? 

Some people think of themselves as just their bodies or the way they look. 

Others think of themselves as just their personalities, or their minds. But actually, we consist of three parts - our bodies, our minds/feelings AND our spirits. 

This is what the word “holistic” refers to. It means living in such a way that there is a balance between these three parts of you. 

So leading a holistic lifestyle, is living and being in a way that makes you feel safe and free to grow. It allows you to love yourself and others and be the happiest and best you can possibly be!


Your mind is very powerful. It controls both your body and your emotions, your physical well-being, your happiness and your health. This is why it is so important to learn how to control your thoughts. You need to make sure that you think happy, positive thoughts and don't get stuck in negative thoughts about yourself and others. Train your mind to be optimistic, forgiving, peaceful, and have a sense of humour. This will not only keep you chilled and cheerful, but will also help you to stay healthy, successful and have good relationships with others!


Your body reflects what is going on in your mind. If you are stuck in thinking negative thoughts, this will reflect in your body. If you are unhappy and negative about life, you might find yourself getting sick often, experiencing weight or skin problems. You might be tired all the time or find it hard to stick to an exercise routine. But here's the good news! It is totally possible to train and reprogram your mind to be more positive about yourself and others. Once your subconscious mind has “registered” this new, positive outlook on life, you will not only feel a lot better emotionally, you will also start to see an improvement in your physical body!


Your spirit is that part of you that makes you totally unique from anyone else. It is the part of you that is eternal, and is filled with endless love, compassion, forgiveness and immense strength. When your spirit is in balance with your body and mind, you will be able to live a life free of fear and uncertainty, a life filled with joy and abundance. When our spirits are in balance with our bodies and minds, we find it easy to forgive and connect with others. A balanced spirit also ensures positive, strong and lasting relationships with our selves, our friends, our families and our partners.


There's An Artist Inside You That Wants To Get Out

Did you know that you were an artist?  That you were born to express your feelings through writing, imagining,  designing, inventing, drawing, coloring, sculpting, baking, gardening, or whatever creative action it is that feels right for YOU?

A lot of people tell themselves “I'm not an artist”. Or maybe they have been told by someone that they are not. But listen up. EVERYONE IS AN ARTIST. That's right!  A human being's life force flows in the direction of creativity. It is your true nature whether you embrace it or not. It doesn't matter what you were told before. It doesn't matter what you create, and it doesn't matter how you feel about the things you create. The only thing that matters, is THAT you create!

Why You Must Create, Create, Create

When your creativity is held inside, it has nowhere to go and it builds up in your body. It can make you feel very frustrated, depressed or stressed out. It can even make you feel physically sick. When your creativity is expressed, your creative energy is released and this creates a whole new you!

Making stuff or expressing your creativity through singing, writing, or ANYTHING, really, is not only fun, it is relaxing and healing, and will make you feel really good about yourself. Just remember not to judge anything you create. Who's to say what is “good” or “bad” anyway?  With creativity, the end result is not what matters – what matters is the ACT of creation! 


Nature is awesome! Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives in our cities and towns, we forget that Nature is there for us all the time – and it's totally free!

Nature is a place where we can just chill out, rest our minds, recharge our batteries and feel part of this wonderful world we live in. Remember how great it feels to walk on a beach, swim in a dam or just feel a soft breeze, or some sunlight on your face?  Nature is great healer, and a place to connect with our inner selves.

Even just spending an afternoon in a park, watching the squirrels and pigeons, sitting on the grass in the shade of a tree will give you a great sense of peace and calm. How fun is it to feed ducks, watch birds build a nest or to hold a baby animal? Nature is also a great teacher, and watching animals and their behaviour can teach us to see life from a different angle, and teach us a lot about ourselves!

Look deep, deep into nature,  
and then you will understand everything better…

                                              - Albert Einstein

 The Healing Power of Nature

With our busy, stressful lives and the toll it takes on our energy levels, we tend to forget that there is an awesome, powerful, instant mood enhancer available to us at all times. 

What's more - it's absolutely free and natural. Yes, I'm talking about nature!

Swimming in the ocean, sitting under a tree, feeding ducks or playing with baby animals - there is a simple reason why these things feel so great and can lift your mood in an instant.

You and Nature are One

It is because YOU yourself is a part of nature, and by reconnecting and tapping into its healing energies, you give yourself an energy boost as well as reminding your body and spirit on a deep level of its interconnectedness with all things in the universe.

True health and well-being doesn't come in medicine form. It comes from the ways in we care for ourselves and do things to promote our general well-being. This means finding ways to look after the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves equally.

Your body has immense self-healing potential. There is a great wisdom and healing power in nature. You don't have to climb Mount Everest in order to connect with nature - a simple walk on the beach or an hour or two spent in a beautiful nature spot will do the trick. 

A birthday picnic in a park is a fantastic and inexpensive way to give yourself and your friends a break from the stresses of everyday life. Being barefoot, sitting on grass, playing with children and animals - all these are things which have been scientifically proven to boost feelings of happiness and contentment. 

Why not give it a try?

Three Reasons Why Nature Rocks


Being in nature immediately engages our senses. The feeling of the sun or a gentle breeze on your skin. Dipping in a cold mountain pool. Beach sand between your toes. The sound of a seagull screeching. The taste of a ripe, freshly-picked berry.

Seemingly simple experiences such as these allow us to escape from our stressful, everyday lives, into the wondrous and sublime world that is nature.

Nature puts the magic back into everyday life!


Everybody needs a special place, somewhere that is just theirs. A place where they can escape to and recharge body, mind and spirit.

Nature offers each and everyone of us such a place. It can be sitting under a tree in your garden, reading in a little corner of a park in your neighbourhood, or lying on your back looking up at the moon and stars at night.

Having your own special "nature place" to escape to can be immensely healing. It will help you take your mind off your troubles and leave you recharged and invigorated for life's challenges.


Nature is often a quiet place, and its silence can also help in silencing our own busy minds.

Once silent, our minds become receptive to new ways of looking at our lives and relationships. As we breathe in nature's fresh air, we gently clear out our minds, stop the chaos and allow for fresh insights, perspectives and inspiration to flow into and through us.

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